How we Live ESG at wienerberger
Cut emissions, recycle products, help others: wienerberger has ambitious environmental, social, and corporate governance goals.
How we Live ESG at wienerberger
Cut emissions, recycle products, help others: wienerberger has ambitious environmental, social, and corporate governance goals.
How can we create affordable and climate-friendly living space? How can plastic pipes be optimally recycled? And how can abandoned clay pits be turned into a valuable asset for nature? These are questions we deal with every day at wienerberger. We comply with international standards and invest in ESG (Environment, Social, Governance).
The wienerberger Sustainability Program is an essential step on the path towards achieving climate neutrality in 2050 and aligning with the sustainability targets of the European Green Deal. We have been at the forefront of adopting reporting standards, providing high levels of transparency on our impact on the planet and people and our improvement in this matter.
We are committed to the principles of good corporate governance and transparency and to benefiting society. To this end, we support social projects and organizations and work together with local partners. One example is the partnership with Habitat for Humanity, which each year provides sustainable housing for some 1,000 underprivileged people.
Sustainability is a core element of wienerberger’s strategy: We build infrastructure and buildings that last for generations. We care about the environment and strive to use natural resources sustainably. We support social projects for the underprivileged. This is our way of shouldering responsibility and we actively adhere to ESG standards.