Sustainability Management at wienerberger
On track for ESG: This is how wienerberger's sustainability management is steered, implemented and evaluated.

Our commitment to sustainable development covers all stages of the value chain and all business areas. Our sustainability management is based on a group-wide structure, which facilitates the efficient implementation of our voluntary engagement.
Responsibilities of the Managing Board and the Supervisory Board
The Managing Board of Wienerberger AG and the Supervisory Board play a central role in the Group’s sustainability management. The Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC) comprises the Managing Board of Wienerberger AG, defines the wienerberger sustainability strategy and the sustainability program, and steers its implementation. The Supervisory Board monitors all important strategic projects. In addition to its supervisory and steering function, it also acts as an advisory body and assumes part of the entrepreneurial responsibility. This structure ensures that ESG (environmental, social, governance) criteria are taken into account in the Group’s corporate strategy and its financial planning.
Coordination and implementation of sustainability management
The “Group Sustainability & Innovation” Department, newly created in 2020, is headed by a Senior Vice President for Group Sustainability & Innovation, who reports directly to the Chairman of the Managing Board of Wienerberger AG and coordinates sustainability management and the Group’s innovation agenda.
At business unit level, the COOs of Wienerberger Building Solutions and Wienerberger Piping solutions, as well as the CEO of the North America Business Unit, are responsible for implementing their sustainability targets. They are being supported by sustainability officers, who are in continuous contact with the “Group Sustainability & Innovation” Department.
Sustainability reporting at wienerberger
Since 2010, wienerberger has published its non-financial indicators on an annual basis. The information required is compiled through central data management. Together with the wienerberger Sustainability Program 2023, the sustainability report is an important steering instrument.
wienerberger’s annual sustainability reports and updates meet the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The topics covered in the 2020 Sustainability Report are based on the materiality analysis performed in 2020 and the wienerberger Sustainability Program 2023. For further information on the economic performance of the Group, its organizational profile, and its corporate governance, please refer to the current wienerberger Annual and Sustainability Report.
Our commitment to the UN SDGs and the ESG standards
As a leading company with international operations, wienerberger bears a heavy responsibility.
wienerberger is committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030 as an international framework setting the targets for sustainable development. In our sustainability reports, we describe the specific contributions made by wienerberger to the individual SDGs.
We voluntarily committed to complying with various international and national standards. For example, we undertake to observe the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations; we submit an annual report on our progress.
Awards won for our sustainability management
Awards and index ratings in 2023, such as the EcoVadis Gold Sustainability Rating, the AAA rating on the MSCI ESG Index, and the prime status awarded by the responsible investment experts of ISS ESG, again confirm the success of wienerberger’s sustainability strategy. Read more here.