- Transparent presentation of the non-financial performance of the company
- Significant progress made in implementing the Sustainability Roadmap 2020
- Commitment to sustainability contributes to increasing the value of the company
2017 was an economically successful year for Wienerberger, and at the same time the company made substantial progress in implementing the Wienerberger Sustainability Roadmap 2020. The Sustainability Roadmap 2020 represents a deliberate, self-imposed obligation to continuously improve the company’s ecological, social and societal performance; it sets out ambitious targets which are being consistently pursued by the Group. With the Wienerberger Sustainability Report, published for 2017 as a Sustainability Update, the company presents its financial and especially non-financial performance and the impact of the Wienerberger Group’s activities on society and environment, as required by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Wienerberger is on a good way here, examples are: Contributions to ensuring responsible production processes and combating climate change. With digitally assisted design processes and construction methods, including products with high thermal insulation properties, Wienerberger makes it easier for customers to meet the requirements of energy efficiency in building construction and helps to make cities and residential areas safe, robust and sustainable. With this commitment, Wienerberger demonstrates that a company committed to sustainability can improve its performance and increase its corporate value.
As the technology and innovation leader in our industry, the Wienerberger Group bears a great responsibility. We are convinced that companies that act responsibly and make a positive contribution to improving people's quality of life today and securing opportunities for future generations will also be more successful in the long term. We will therefore continue our course in the future. Heimo Scheuch, CEO Wienerberger AG Heimo Scheuch CEO
The principles of Wienerberger’s sustainability management continue to apply in the long term and are published on the website of Wienerberger AG at www.wienerberger.com.
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