Today, the Managing Board of Wienerberger AG adopted a resolution to call and redeem the remaining outstanding perpetual subordinated fixed rate bonds subject to interest rate reset (the "Hybrid Bond 2014"; ISIN DE000A1ZN206) in a currently outstanding nominal amount of EUR 215 million. The Hybrid Bond 2014 was issued by Wienerberger AG on 6 October 2014.
In accordance with § 5 (3) of the terms and conditions of the Hybrid Bond 2014, Wienerberger AG will call and redeem the Hybrid Bond 2014 at its principal amount plus all interest on February 9, 2021, which is the first call date of the Hybrid Bond 2014. There are no plans to refinance the redemption of the Hybrid Bond 2014 by raising new hybrid capital.
Formal notice of termination in accordance with § 11 of the terms and conditions of the Hybrid Bond 2014 will be given separately. Redemption payments will be effected through the paying agent.
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