Business Ethics & Social Impacts
The economy is an integral part of society. At wienerberger, we take our responsibility as a corporate citizen seriously: We communicate honestly, act ethically, and operate within a transparent economic framework. We observe clear ethical principles and a firmly established compliance policy.

Our Commitment
Business Ethics at wienerberger
Principles: We are committed to the UN Global Compact and its ten principles regarding human rights, occupational safety, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.
Sourcing: We require our suppliers to act responsibly in dealing with people and the environment.
Customers: We interact with our customers on an equal footing. We want to understand their needs and tailor our products and system solutions to their requirements.
Products: We design durable and innovative products and solutions for a society that will be fit for the future (examples: health, adaptation to climate change).
Social topics: In its effort to create benefit for society, wienerberger is involved in numerous social projects and initiatives.
Our Goals
What We Want to Achieve
0 cases of corruption
in the wienerberger Group
200 housing units
per year for people in need – with our products and in the markets we operate in
Our Measures
What We Are Doing
- We are complying with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, which wienerberger acceded to in 2003.
- A number of group-wide policies on various legal topics were introduced in 2020.
- We are focusing on strong compliance management. Internal Audit regularly verifies compliance with internal policies and processes.
- We are continuously developing our supplier management with a view to digitalization and ESG criteria. Examples include our responsible sourcing policy, the internal data platform, the supplier code of conduct, our supplier audits, and monthly supplier scans against international sanctions lists.
- We are escalating product innovations that generate added value for the environment and for society. This includes climate-resilient building solutions, green spaces in cities, and water-permeable pavings.
- We are doing our utmost to ensure occupational safety and health along our supply chain and to protect local residents.
- We are supporting social projects and institutions. We are helping people in need by donating our products, especially in the countries we operate in. Our cooperation with Habitat for Humanity International is just one example.

Our Success and our Challenges
Award-Winning Sustainability Management
- Awards and index ratings, such as the EcoVadis Silver Sustainability Rating, the AAA rating on the MSCI ESG Index, and the prime status awarded by the responsible investment experts of ISS ESG, confirm the success of wienerberger’s sustainability strategy.
- Our focus is on sustainable and forward-looking solutions: In 2020, one third of our total revenues was accounted for by innovative products.
- Responsible supplier management in accordance with ESG criteria remains a challenge to be addressed. In the course of 2020, we took major steps forward by adopting the new responsible sourcing policy and providing training for internal supplier auditors.
- Conditions and trends are rapidly changing, which also has an impact on our ambitious targets regarding compliance with ESG criteria (see Sustainability Roadmap 2020). Experience gained in recent years provided input for the wienerberger Sustainability Program 2023.
The group-wide procurement team is emphasizing sustainability throughout our supplier value chain, laying the foundations for a greener future. Through this focus, we are setting new standards and sending a clear and strong signal as the market leader in sustainable procurement in our industry.
Useful Information
ESG: Compliance & Management Approach
Units |
2019 |
2020 |
2021 |
Number of incidents of corruption |
Number in reporting year |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Number of anti-trust violations |
Number in reporting year |
0 |
0 |
0 |